Our house

A charming home

Le Faing du Bray is an old family farm from the 19th century. The structure of the farm, organized around a square courtyard, gathered several buildings with different functions: the main house, the farmers' house, the cowshed, the sheepfold, the pigsty, the stable, the forge, the cheese factory, the threshing machine. The main house welcomes travelers and vacationers in a vast living space of more than 200m².
maison d'hôtes - vue du jardin - vosges - le faing du bray
vaches pré - le faing du bray

The house is located in the middle of the countryside, on the Vosges commune of Plombières les Bains, 15 minutes from Remiremont.

Calm and conviviality

The porch, typical of the Vosges farms, illuminates the large room. The original sandstone slabs and the exposed rubble of the walls have been preserved. Travelers can enjoy the dining room and the lounge area. A large enclosed garden is available for breakfast on sunny days. Young and old alike can enjoy the peace and quiet of the large, secure area. For the peace and quiet of all, pets are not allowed in the house. Smokers are welcome to smoke outside.

A renovation and eco-responsible choices

We have chosen as much as possible to use French or even local products. Thus, all the linens and mattresses come from the Gerardmer factories. The kitchen is equipped with Sarreguemines dishes and De Buyer utensils.

The renovation was carried out in 2014-2015 by local craftsmen, choosing to preserve and enhance the existing materials. A complete article in the Habitat Naturel magazine n°64 was devoted to the renovation of our house (link here). Below, some of the technical choices made.

Isolation par béton de chanvre - le faing du bray - rénovation

Insulation with hemp concrete

insulation is a key point for modern comfort. But how to insulate an old building efficiently and ecologically? With hemp concrete: the hemp fibrous cell forming the "wood" of the hemp stalk, is used as insulation and coupled with air lime. The finish is a lime-hemp rendering. These materials combine technical, energetic, environmental and sanitary performances. The well-being of the occupants is thus ensured thanks to a healthy environment without chemicals and a humidity naturally regulated by hemp.
Chauffage au bois - maison le faing du bray

Heating with wood

The wood industry has a central place in the economy of the Vosges department, especially for heating. Wood is a renewable and carbon-neutral energy when used with efficient equipment. We have equipped the house with a wood-chip boiler. This state-of-the-art equipment allows us to automatically manage the heating and hot water of the entire house. In the coming years, we plan to install a solar water heater that will work in conjunction with the boiler.
Récupération d'eaux de pluie - le faing du bray

Rainwater harvesting

Why use treated water for watering and flushing the toilets? The ecological impact is not negligible. A 10m3 rainwater recovery system has been set up and allows a reduction in consumption of nearly 30%.
Assainissement par les plantes - le faing du bray

Sanitation by plants

Also called phytodepuration, it is a new ecological solution for the treatment of wastewater. The wastewater is brought to successive basins in which the bacteria present in the root systems of the plants feed on the impurities. This system is effective and eliminates the periodic emptying of septic tanks or micro-stations.